Basic Pathology – A Socratic Approach

Major goals of pathology education is to teach the clinical adaptation of the knowledge and helping to interpret macroscopic, microscopic and laboratory findings in practice. In most of the pathology books the clinical approach is either missing or discussed only tangentially, however, understanding symptoms and lab results is essential for ordering further examinations or establishing the diagnosis for the physicians

It is therefore an important requirement to highlight not only the pathological changes but the clinical background as well. This book shows examples of the most common diseases with clinical history, morphological changes, pictures, questions and answers for demonstration of step-by-step diagnostic thinking. This book is also useful for the students to check status of knowledge and pathological thinking. In his first hungarian language pathology book, the question and answer based discussion style, called “Soc-ratic approach” was initially used by Lajos Arányi, who was the creator of Hungarian pathology (Elements of pathology for practitioners and forensic doctors, 1864). Right and logical questions help for getting to the diagnosis while correct answers feed the joy of discovery. Professor György Romhányi had educated generations of doctors in socratic approach. This book serves as a tribute to the memory of the two professors.

Méret200x140 mm
Kiadás éve2016. március
Besorolási kódA FIX
ISBN szám: 978 963 226 576 6
Listaár:  11 300 Ft 
Online ár:
10 170 Ft

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